Polybag.com.hk Ltd specializing in all kinds of plastic bags (shopping bags and packaging bags). Your design options and features are available.
There are various of plastic bag styles, such as drawstring bag, plastic loop handle bag, die-cut handle bag, patch handle bag, soft-loop handle bag, T-shirt bag or self-adhesive bags. LDPE, HDPE, MDPE, CPE, PP are the most common plastic films. Other forms, including laminates and co-extrusions can be used when the physical properties are needed. We have good supporting infrastructure and equipments, for example the latest technology and most advanced 12-color "gravure printing" machines. So that products reach the highest standards and meet customer's requirements and expectations.
Our products are widely used in chain stores, boutiques, jewelers, supermarkets and more.
Here are some information of the plastic materials nature :
LDPE - is commonly recycled and has the number "4" as its recycling symbol, thickness 0.04-0.12mm
HDPE - is commonly recycled, and has the number "2" as its recycling symbol, thickness 0.02-0.10mm
MDPE - It is less dense and softer than HDPE, thickness 0.05-0.12mm
Co-Extrusion - outer and inner layer can make in different colors, usually suit as courier bags, thickness 0.06-0.12mm
CPE - more soft and high class, single or double layer, more common for drawstring bag, thickness 0.04-0.10mm
PP - most suitable for packaging in thinner condition, it can be rigid to has the ability to stand up like a paper bag, thickness 0.03-0.25mm
PPE - high-visibility and strong, common for ice bag. thickness 0.05-0.09mm
BOPP - high-visibility, common for packing sales products, thickness 0.03-0.06mm
Please click on the product picture to get more information. For further details, please feel free to contact us.
扁平袋 |
底風袋 |
側風袋 |
立體袋 |
三角袋 |
單張袋 |
Large Plastic Bag |
PP Gift Bag |
Plastic Clip Handle Bag |
Tube/String Handle Bag |
CPE Bag |
Drawstring Bag |
Plastic Loop Handle Bag |
PVC Bag |
Co-extrusion Bag |
Hard Loop Handle Bag |
Soft Loop Handle Bag |
Packing List Bag |
Patch Handle Bag |
Top Punch Hole Handle Bag |
Lamination Bag |
Special Handle Bag |
Punch Hole Handle Bag |
Adhesive Bag |
T-shirt Bag |
Ziplock Bag |
Newspaper Bag |